EDESSA has a state-of-the-art Proteus 500 Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) manufactured by Hydroacoustics Inc. The Proteus 500 represents the latest technology in the exploration, surveillance and protection of underwater environments. The ROV is capable of reaching depths of 150m and can be deployed up to 2km away from the control station based on the 2km tether available.
EDESSA’s ROV has two forward/aft, one vertical and one lateral (sideways) thrusters. It is equipped with three cameras. It allows instant recording of video. The ROV is fitted with four Ultra-bright LED Lamps 309 lumens. The ROV is also equipped with a thickness gauge device capable of measuring steel thickness of pipes or hulls.
EDESSA has an EDGETECH 3100 SB-216s subbottom profiler towfish system with 35m of towfish cable that can be deployed upon demand based on the water depth. The SB-216S sub-bottom profiler is able to work at frequency ranges of 2 to 16 kHz. It is capable of penetrating up to 80m in clay (less in coarser sediments). The system is managed by EDGETECH’s Discover software. It produces high-resolution imagery of the sub-bottom profile and provided in real-time acoustic mapping of the seabed.
EDESSA has a SonTek Argonaut-MD high precision acoustic Doppler current meter. It is equipped with an internal compass. The readings are automatically corrected for pitch and roll of the unit under the influence of the current.
The current meter can be set to record data at very short intervals and its battery life allows the deployment of the units for several months at sea for data acquisition.
EDESSA has a Lowrance LCX-16 dual frequency (50 and 200 kHz) echo sounder and an external 12 channel on-the-fly GPS directly linked to the echo sounder. We are able to produce high quality bathymetric surveys, contour maps, 3D models and sections of the seabed. |
EDESSA has versatile 27’ open bow survey boat. The boat been used for bathymetric surveys, subbottom profiling, sidescan sonar, deployment of equipment and diving boat. |
EDESSA employs professional engineering and environmental divers with advance open water diving certifications. In addition, EDESSA often relies on external professional divers as backup or for specific missions. EDESSA is able to provide underwater High definition photos and videos. EDESSA’s divers are called upon to take photos, collect water and sediment samples, inspect installations and conduct underwater repair works as needed. |