Through our EDESSA Construction Division, EDESSA provides Project Management/Construction Management (PM/CM) or contracting services to Clients.
Our involvement in the construction phase of a project has stemmed from the need of Client to get us more involved in the construction supervision and monitoring having been involved in early stages of projects. Our contracting experience includes a wide variety of projects including traditional residential, commercial, industrial, infrastructure and marine projects. We take on Interior Design, Renovation, Restructuring and New Projects.
Our PM/CM Services include the following phases with a key emphasis on protecting the Client interest and providing him full support on all aspects of the works:
Pre-design stages
Design Stages
Tender Process
Construction Phase
Post-Construction Phase
In Contracting Projects, depending on the Owner’s needs, the type of work and the level of design development, we take on contracting projects as a lump sum, re-measurable unit rates, cost plus or a combination of the above and other means. We favor cost-plus contracts for finishing works or fast track projects where the design is not fully developed.